
how to become the alpha dog with your puppy

dog breed

Dog owners want to love their dogs.  You want a dog who is always with you and who is devoted to you.
However, we can sometimes be mistaken as to what makes our dogs love us. It's not just about spoiling our dogs. Discipline and leadership must also be provided. Once you are in charge, here are some tips can improve your relationship:

1. Look him/her in the eye:

When you give a command, look straight at your pet. Make sure he can see that you mean business and that it is not a command to be disobeyed. Always hold eye contact with your pet, no matter how big or small he or she is. Call out to the dog and make sure that he or she also looks straight at you. If he looks at you in an attempt to defy you, then stare back at him firmly without blinking, till he lowers his gaze. It's not only a way of establishing a contact, it's also a way for your dog to figure out the hierarchy in the pack.

2. Get him to show respect:

It could be quite a problem if your dog decides to run down other family members. If he can't wrest the alpha spot from you, he will try and dominate the others. Teach all your family members how to command him to sit and how to get him to obey their "No's". Advise your family members to take over the feeding routine to establish their dominance over him or take him for walks and get him to follow them. Teach them how to command the obedience of the pet rather than be dominated by him the rest of their lives. The way dogs try to dominate is through growling, not listening and generally asserting themselves over someone else other than the alpha.

3. Treats have to be earned:

Do not give your pets treats unless they have done something to receive it. Make sure that you do not treat them just because they look so sweet! You are the alpha, who gives a treats when your bidding has been done and you are happy with your pack member. If a pet misbehaves, then he or she gets no goodies. Do not reward or pet your dog when he misbehaves. They must earn their treats with obedience.

4. Get down to dog level :

One of the best ways to get close to your dog is to interact physically with your dog. Take the floor and speak to your dog. Play and pay some attention to your dog. This is particularly important when your dog can never get on the furniture. If he is not allowed to interact with you at the same level, he will feel excluded. You can spend a specific time binding to your dog on the floor.

5. Be a fair leader:

A leader not only leads, he or she is also fair and just. Have reasonable expectations. If your dog misbehaves, punish him. If he rectifies his behavior, reward him. Show him affection when he deserves it. Make the right decisions and don't go overboard with the dominance. The idea behind being alpha is to be in-charge and in-control, not to be hard-hearted.

6. Learn to handle your pet:

Touch your pet, as in roll him over, rub his belly, feel his face, stick your finger in to feel his gum. All these actions will not only help you when you groom him, these are also acts of submission on the part of your dog. If he lets you handle his body without growling, it means he has accepted you as the alpha. Grooming your dog is a great way of establishing a bond with
him or her and a way of showing you care and also a way of showing you are in control. Handle your older dog patiently, as he or she might object while a puppy would be more accepting. Increase the handling of the dog gradually and soon you will see that he or she is more comfortable with your touch, because they trust
you as the alpha.

A responsible alpha:

Be an alpha with a head and heart in the right places. Your pet is smart,  you just have to prove you are smarter and you can do this by understanding the difference between being dominant and being a leader. also you can do this by knowing your pet well, as in knowing their quirks, what he or she likes, what they don't, what they fear and what makes them happy. It's about consistently enforcing the appropriate behavior patterns and never being hard on them without reason. It's like raising a child and being a gentle dictator. The key to being a responsible alpha is to establish a sound lead for him or her to follow, start early, be consistent and love your pet as much as you can. Alpha is not about who has the power- it's about who can lead the best and you have it in you to be a great alpha. It shows, otherwise you wouldn't have brought home a pet to love, nurture and care about in the first place!

how to become the alpha dog with your puppy


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