
How To Get Out Of Bluegreen Timeshare



TUG Review Crew: Expert
  • #2

It might be a long shot, and it probably is, but can you contact your credit card company and ask them to dispute the charges?

I'm not a lawyer, but knowing this company from past dealings, you probably have no recourse at this time.

Don't despair!! Learn to use your points—which will enable you, and your family, to enjoy incredible vacations. That's what timeshares are all about!

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  • #5

Are there any other suggestions? I really need guidance on options to cancel the time share I am worry I can't afford all the expenses attached to it.

Juan, I think you probably screwed up by waiting so long. You could try by writing a rescission letter- even though it's late- and pleading your case as a hardship. It may not work, but if indeed this expense is going to cause you to fall behind on other debt, or necessities, some kind soul at BlueGreen might take pity and let you out. They don't have to.

Had you sent the letter within the allowable rescission (cooling off) period, the law is on your side. Now, assuming you are an adult, you are responsible for your own affairs, the law favors the seller. About the only way out is through a bankruptcy, and it's unlikely that a timeshare purchase on it's own would tip you over that far.

Take heart, though. About half of TUGgers bought their first timeshare at retail from the developer. We saw value in being able to provide better accommodations for our families and creating family memories. The best way to reduce the financial hit is to buckle down and pay off the high interest loan. Even taking on a second job and diverting that income to paying down debt. Another way to reduce the out-of-pocket cost is to reserve high demand weeks (holidays, spring break, etc) and rent them yourself. It's unlikely that you can recoup the whole cost- especially if you're paying a mortgage payment, but you can usually make up your ongoing maintenance fees by doing that. Then assuming you have RCI membership, you can take low cost, Last Calls yourself- a caution here, you are not allowed to rent Last Calls for profit.

Good Luck, and Welcome to TUG!


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  • #9

So based on the comments I hear, I am pretty much screwed and there is nothing I can do to cancel this time share. This was a bad mistake in my part, but there must be other things I can do resolve this issue.

Or is this a case where once you in it you can't get out situation.

I'm feeling worse the more I hear the negatives. Are there any positives?

Hi, welcome to tug.

Think of it like buying furniture, you got it on credit, you purchased it and a few weeks later you feel you paid too much or you don't like it and no longer want it. It is yours and if you stop paying the furniture company can come after you for payment. It would affect your credit rating for years.

Many of us purchase retail for our first timeshare, including me, when financially I should not have.

I would try to rescind as others told you but your odds are low.

Instead of thinking you are screwed, learn how to use it for your enjoyment. Timesharing for our family has been wonderful. Even though I regret buying from a developer my first timeshare I am glad it brought me to timesharing. I have traveled where I never could have afforded so long term it was worth it.

Bluegreen has some nice resorts within their system to enjoy.


  • #10

Let me add here that those 'Get you out of your Time Share' outfits are all after your money, and have no tools or 'magic words' to end your ownership. DO NOT sign up with ANY of them.

in short. Try writing a rescission letter in accordance to the rescission instructions in your contract. It probably won't work, but stranger things have happened. You'll feel better for trying. Next figure out exactly what you bought, and learn to use it. TUG can help. Then work as hard as you can to pay off that loan. It will take discipline, but obviously you saw value in timeshares when you made this purchase. Keep that in mind when you make those payments. And as soon as possible after you get notification from Bluegreen, book another vacation for yourself and the family. It will make the ownership feel like you have something of value to look forward to.



  • #20

Can I cancel my time share or this just another scam?

Juan, if you haven't done anything about cancelling this purchase before now, despite all the advice to do so, I'm afraid you are a timeshare owner, just like the rest of us. So you may as well learn to use it, as the value in it is in it's use to give your family great vacations. Do what you can to pay off the loan you signed up to buy this. Then, and only then can you make the decision of whether to try to deed it back, or sell/give it away.

We wish you well, and many happy vacations.



  • #21

Can I cancel my time share or this just another scam?

Juan or Rivera, you really NEED to be on top of your TS commitments or following through on TUG advice. You had possible chance to cancel on 6/6/19 by sending a rescission but didn't. With TS, you compete with other TS owners for the best rooms and dates. Change your attitude about TS. Learn to use the system. Make it a hobby.

As for me, I paid $4.5k for a TS, rescinded in on day 2 after finding out about TUG, and had the offer to buy the SAME TS for $1. I acted fast. TS is not something to sit on, but you need to make a hobby for the best deals and rooms.

I just accepted a $1 offer to buy a TS. I acted fast to rescind.

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  • #23

I understand what has been advised on this forum. The issue is I have yet receive anything from blue green, not only that Georgia rescind period was only 7 days and I found out about all the information posted here almost 10 days after.

My question to this forum why if I don't think it will be beneficial do I have no choice but to keep the time share. If I wanted to sale my house I could do it even know I have an active mortgage I am presently paying. Why can't I do the same with a time share?

Juan, it was never certain that you could rescind at 10 days after you signed the contracr, and Georgia law allows 7. We have seen lots of people be given the 'benefit of the doubt, and have reputable TS companies bend the rules a little. Other TS outfits will hold buyers to the letter of the law.
What are you expecting they will send you? You walked out of that sales room with a bundle of papers, a contract that you signed telling what you bought. What more is there?

The difference between buying your house and a TS is that it you don't pay the house mortgage, you can be evicted, and the loan foreclosed, and someone else can buy it and move in. With a TS, it has virtually no value as property. Someone else is already occupying your the space you agreed to pay for. If you don't pay, the company will sell your debt to a collector, who will start calling and writing you and ultimately, they will foreclose and write to the credit bureaus, your credit score will drop, and you will have this on your record for at least 10 years.

At this point, the best thing for you to do is to start making those payments you agreed to, and double them up if you can to pay it off sooner, and spend time time on TUGs Blue Green forum and find out how you can use the TS to give your family some good memories and quality vacations. That, my friend, is the only true value in timeshares.

We wish you well.


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  • #24

I understand what has been advised on this forum. The issue is I have yet receive anything from blue green, not only that Georgia rescind period was only 7 days and I found out about all the information posted here almost 10 days after.

My question to this forum why if I don't think it will be beneficial do I have no choice but to keep the time share. If I wanted to sale my house I could do it even know I have an active mortgage I am presently paying. Why can't I do the same with a time share?

If you are not going to accept TUG advice, we don't even know why you're here.

A TS is not the same as a house. Unless the housing market crashes, house values retain value. The resale value of your TS is $1. NO ONE will buy your TS from you for what you paid.

You don't have to keep your TS. You can refuse to make payments, which will wreck your credit.

You had a chance of the resort willingly accepting your rescission three days past without affecting your credit, but refused to act on that TUG advice. That chance is now long gone.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How To Get Out Of Bluegreen Timeshare


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